FS East future

Dec/10 By

Dear Teams!

A few weeks ago, Formula Student Germany, by many regarded as the leading FS event in Europe, announced their road map for next few years. They took a bold step in concentrating on what they think is will be the most interesting challenge: EVs with autonomous driving features. In summary, there were two main points:

  • autonomous driving as part of all competition classes
  • phasing out of the combustion class, resulting in an all-EV competition by 2022

Many teams were then concerned about the future of certain vehicle classes as well as compatibility between events.
No Worries. The European events are working together to make sure that there will be no fragmentation and to cover the demand for CV event slots.

  • CV continues to exist as a competition class for now (including 2022)
  • CV will remain part of the FS Rules, curated by FSA and the other events offering this class
  • All cars compliant to the FS 2021/2022 Rules will be eligible to compete at FSEast

Now to expand on this a bit:

Keep reading this post

Your Feedback

Jul/25 By

As FS East 2019 is over we would like to thank all of you for being part of this adventure and hope you enjoyed these days with us and left with good memories and experiences. (;

We’re also curious about your thoughts and suggestions about the event to be able to develop year by year. Therefore we’d like to ask you to give us your feedbacks about FS East 2019 in general and the different areas of the event as well.

Click on the link below to share your feedback: 

Let’s get into it!

The official photos of the Award Ceremony and the team photos are coming soon and will be uploaded to our Gallery page and our Flickr account

If you might have missed the Results and the justification of the Special Award winners these are also available online:


Special Award Winners

Event Handbook 2019

Jul/8 By

The FS East 2019 Event Handbook is released with all exciting details, like
– the map of the venue
– pit arrangement
– the static events schedule
– on-site registration process & logistics
– general rules of the event site
– technical inspection information
– principles of the static & dynamic events.

I’m into some light reading

We also created a Logistics infopage, where we collected all important information regarding moving in to the pits and the campsite. You’re also able to reserve a time slot for your team for a smoother registration process.

I’m ready to move in!

Event Schedule 2019

Jul/6 By


Event Schedule is now available under Rules & Important Documents 2019.
See you in 9 days! (;

Time Travel

Deep Dive Topic

Jul/4 By

The static team has presented you this year’s Deep Dive Topic, that has to be included in the Business Plan Presentation. We look forward to hear your fancy ideas! (;

The complete DDT is available on our Rules & Important Documents Page.

Dive In!

The event is organized by the Engineers for the Automotive Higher Education Associasion