Static Event Rules update

May/3 By

We recently updated the Static Event Rules with some minor additions regarding the Business, Cost and Design events as well. Make sure to check the following points of the rules document:

  • Business Plan Presentation scoring clarification (S2.1.6)
  • CBOM subject (S2.2.5)
  • Design Spec Sheet template information (S2.3.5 )

Head over to our Rules page


General, Documentation & Technical Inspection Rules

Mar/14 By

General Rules, Documentation Rules and Technical Inspection Rules are now available on our Rules & Important Documents page as the final additions of FS East 2018 Rules.  You’re also able to download the necessary templates to create your documents. The Data Logger Specification document has also been updated with some additional details. (;

Keep reading this post

Dynamic Rules

Jan/19 By

We’ve posted another quick read for the weekend, the Dynamic Rules for FS East 2018 are now available on our Rules & Important Documents page. The document includes event-specific additions to Rules 2018 which concern driverless teams as well. 

Check the Rules


FS EAST 2018 - Static event rules

Registration Rules Update & Static Rules

Jan/18 By

The first installment of the FS East 2018 Rules has been uploaded to the Rules and Important Documents section of our website. Now all information and requirements regarding the Static Events are available. Stay tuned, there's more to come soon!

Read more about the registration rules after the read more button!

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FS EAST 2017 - Static, Dynamic & Tech inspection rules

Static, Dynamic & Tech Inspection Rules 2017

Jul/13 By

UPDATE: The dynamic event rules has been updated. Please check the latest version at the Rules and Important documents page!

The rules of the Static and Dynamic Events along with the Technical Inspection regulations are published as part of the FS East 2017 Official Rules.  The complete rulebook is available on our Rules and Important Documents page as well as the necessary templates for the next document upload deadlines. 

Show me the Rules

Some more details were specified related to the Electrical System Officer delegation in the Documents & Penalties part of the Rules (3.7). Besides the ESO form you have to submit a certificate (preferably a BSc degree) for all appointed ESO which proves that they’re qualified for the position.

A new section was also added to the Registration Rules, explaining the regulations and penalties in case of an event registration after document upload deadlines.

If you have any questions or need to clarify some details, send an e-mail to the contact address designated to the topic or write us to [email protected] and we’ll forward your inquiry to the most competent person right away.

The event is organized by the Engineers for the Automotive Higher Education Associasion