Registration Results & Preliminary Starter List
This year 310 teams registered, 288 of them have successfully completed the event registration process including the 9 top teams of last season we invited previously. Participants from 39 countries tried to get into FS East, literally from all over the world, like Canada to Australia. 133 of them aimed the combustion, 117 the electric and 38 the driverless category. These are HUGE numbers and we’re very grateful for your enthusiasm and support for our event!
The highest number of teams registered from Germany (98), India (21), Italy (19), Spain (17) and Poland (13). Seven teams of our home country are currently on our lists, 5 of them with a starter position (Arrabona Racing Team, BME Formula Racing Team, BME Motorsport, Formula Racing Miskolc & KEFO Motorsport).
Here’s our quick country breakdown, just for fun:
Australia | 4 | Estonia | 2 | Mexico | 1 | Slovenia | 2 |
Austria | 5 | Finland | 3 | Netherlands | 2 | Spain | 17 |
Bangladesh | 2 | France | 5 | Norway | 1 | Sri Lanka | 1 |
Belgium | 2 | Germany | 98 | Pakistan | 1 | Sweden | 7 |
Bulgaria | 1 | Greece | 7 | Poland | 13 | Switzerland | 5 |
Canada | 2 | Hungary | 7 | Portugal | 3 | Turkey | 8 |
Croatia | 3 | Iceland | 1 | Romania | 3 | Ukraine | 2 |
Czech Republic | 8 | India | 21 | Russia | 10 | United Kingdom | 12 |
Denmark | 2 | Israel | 2 | Serbia | 2 | USA | 2 |
Egypt | 1 | Italy | 18 | Slovakia | 2 |
The best quiz result appreciation goes to Prom Racing from Greece, they only needed 8 minutes and 52 seconds to solve the EV quiz. WOW.
Also, this is the first time that we shared the complete quiz answer key, we hope it’ll be helpful for you and please excuse us for messing up one of the DV answers.
The current registration list is available on our Registration page, that we’re going to update regularly. In case any of the slots open up, we’re inviting the top waiting list teams to take them and join us at FS East.