FS East 2017 - Photos coming soon

Results are online, event photos coming soon

Jul/26 By

The results of the 2017’s event are online, which you can find under event 2017 menu. We would like to thank you for this great event. We hope you enjoyed these 4 days with us. If you wish to give us some after-event feedback, do not hesitate, check our feedback page and send us your thoughts about the event.

Get me to the feedback page!

The event photos are coming soon. We need some more time to check them and get uploaded. We pinky swear it won’t take long. As soon they are ready and online we will let you know 😉

FS East 2017- Deep dive & Real case scenario is online

Deep Dive Topic & Real Case Scenario is online!

Jul/3 By

The Deep Dive Topic and the Real Case Scenario of FS East 2017 are now available under the Rules & Important documents section of our website. Check them and get ready for the presentations 😉

Let’s see the docs at Rules & Important document section

fs eAST 2107 - #makesomenoise - Tell us about yourself


Jun/23 By

Formula Student is not only about the technical challenges but also building a great community together. That’s why we’d like to get to know you better and share some fun facts and interesting stories about your team at the competition itself with the contribution of our speaker, Beni. We hope this way we could generate conversations between you and even your fan base could grow with new enthusiasts. 

You can help us by answering some very informal questions in our form. We pinky swear, it won’t take too long!  😉

Click me to #makesomenoise


FS East 2017 - Deadlines and penalties and general rules

FS East General & Documentation Rules 2017 published

Apr/7 By

The FS East General Rules and Documentation Rules containing the submission deadlines are available for download under the Rules and Important Documents section of Event 2017. The documents are based on Rules 2017 released by FSG however we also added some FS East specific regulations, therefore please make sure to read it thoroughly.

Show me the Rules

In case you have any questions or need to clarify some details, send an e-mail to the contact address designated to the topic or write us to [email protected] and we’ll forward your inquiry to the most competent person right away.


FS East 2017 Volunteer registration

Volunteers wanted

Apr/5 By

If you missed the chance to come to FS East with your team, feel nostalgic about your FS years or want to be a part of an international experience, apply now as a volunteer! We’re looking for new enthusiasts to join our organising team and help us make FS East 2017 a highly professional event and an unforgettable memory for all the participants.

Check our volunteer page for further details and send us your application! 🙂

Show me how it’s done!


The event is organized by the Engineers for the Automotive Higher Education Associasion