Event registration for FS East 2017

Jan/16 By

In 2017, 60 teams from all over the world have the chance to participate at FS East with 40 combustion and 20 electric slots. Two days before the event registration we can see that the claims for the slot categories have changed based on the registered team profiles. We are working really hard to be able to expand the electric slots in the near future, without compromising the quality of the event. 

We hope you’re as excited about the event registration as we are. (:  Read our quick guide below for the most important things you need to know about the process.

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Event registration 2nd phase

Event registration 2nd phase opens soon

Feb/11 By

The 1st phase registration ends on 20th February at 23:59:59 CET, meanwhile the event registration 2nd phase opens in the same moment from 21st of February at 0:00:00. The teams who have already registered can not register again. A separate waiting list will be opened for newly registered teams, named WABCD2.

Reglist order

The event is organized by the Engineers for the Automotive Higher Education Associasion