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special award details announced

Special award updates

Apr/26 By

Dear Teams,

We would like to announce our second special award this year. After the FS East Image Documentary Special Award we release FS East Team History award. Please find our detailed rules of the awards and the submission details on our awards and results page. We also updated the Image Documentary Special Award’s rules and details, please also read through the new release notes about it. If you have further questions about the submission process or about the special awards feel free to contact us 🙂

I want to participate

Business Logic Case deadline is coming

Apr/19 By

Business Logic Case deadline is coming. If you may haven’t submitted your document please visit our upload page for further details.

Upload section

Volunteer registration

Volunteer registration

Mar/2 By

The volunteer registration is open! Hurray!

If you want to join us, you just have to fill the volunteer registration form. After your successfull submission we forward your profile to the event and technical staff to find you the best place on the event.
You only have to give us some regular contact informations and if you wish so you can also attach your CV or motivation letter 🙂

Come get some! 


Reglist updated

Feb/27 By

The registered teams list have been updated. According to the rule modification – v1.0.1 – the free EV slots are filled from IC members from the waiting list and vica versa from 27th of February, 23:59. Up to the registration list status the waiting list teams has been rearanged between the free slots. For further details about the registration process please look up our Official registration rules at Rules and important documents section.

Updated reglist


Official rules are online

Feb/22 By

The official rules are online under Important documents section. Please read trough the document carefully and if you may not familiar with every details or you have further questions feel free to contact us. The document contains multiple e-mail addresses on which you can reach the department leaders of the tasks, so you can contact them directly. If you can not decide to whom you should write just send your questions to [email protected], so we can forward is to the most appropriate person(s) from the official staff.
You can also download the document on the link below.

Important documents

The event is organized by the Engineers for the Automotive Higher Education Associasion