Official Registration Results
This season overall 269 teams participated in the event registration process to get one of the 84 starter list positions, including the 18 slots reserved for pre-registered teams. We opened 36-36 slots for CV and EV teams, while 12 teams had the chance to get a DV slot – during registration 100 teams applied for combustion, 124 for electric and 45 for driverless positions.
Teams registered from 39 countries of the world, most of them from Germany (92), India (22), Spain (19), Italy (17) and Poland (13). The Eastern European region, which is the main focus of the event was represented by 67 participants, including 7 Hungarian teams – 5 of them were able to get a starter slot: Arrabona Racing Team, BME Formula Racing Team, BME Formula Racing Team Driverless, BME Motorsport and KEFO Motorsport.
Elefant Racing was this year’s fastest quiz solver with a 12 minute 21 seconds result in the EV category.
The complete registration results are available on our Registration page:
Captains of the starter list teams have already been informed about the registration payment process and conditions today.
Teams on the top of the waiting lists should also keep an eye on their e-mails, as they’re going to be contacted in the next couple of days about the open slot opportunities. (;