Event Registration Period #1 Results

Posted by on January 23, 2018

Before we get to the real thing, we’d like to thank the enthusiasm of all teams who registered today to FS East 2018!  210 teams filled out the registration quiz, it means that together with the pre-registered participants 217 teams from 35 countries went through event registration. This number is almost the double of last year’s. (:

For the 2018 season we opened 30 combustion, 20 electric and 10 driverless slots.

As one of the main events of Eastern Europe, we provide at least 21 slots for teams from this region. 56 teams competed for these slots from the following countries: Russia (10), Poland (9), Greece (7), Czech Republic (6), Hungary (5), Turkey (4), Slovenia (3), Croatia (2), Romania (2), Slovakia (2), Ukraine (2), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), Bulgaria (1), Estonia (1) and Serbia (1).

Most of the registered teams come from Germany (79), while we have Western European participants from Italy (11), Spain (7), Sweden (6), the United Kingdom (6), France (5), Netherlands (4), Austria (3), Finland (3), Norway (3), Portugal (3), Switzerland (3), Belgium (2), Denmark (2) and Iceland (1).

23 teams registered from out of Europe,  from India (13), Israel (4), the United States (3), Canada (2) and Egypt (1).

Overall 115 combustion, 78 electric and 24 driverless teams registered to this year’s event.

The complete registration results are available on our Registered Teams page:

Registered Teams

We extended List A – ev with 3 additional slots after 3 teams turned to us with well-founded protests within 8 hours after finishing the quiz. During Period #3 new EV teams from the waiting list will be offered an open slot in case the number of starter teams on EV lists drops under 20.

The positions will finalise only after the teams complete the registration payment, therefore top waiting list teams could be invited to participate in the next couple of days. If you’re a starter team, head over to our Payment page to start the payment process (please make sure you’re logged in):

Payment Page


Top waiting list teams are not asked to pay the first part of the registration fee until Event Registration Period #4 starts on 10th of February at 20:00 CET.



The event is organized by the Engineers for the Automotive Higher Education Associasion