Preliminary Event Schedule

Jun/30 By

The preliminary schedule of FS East 2017 is now available under the Rules & Important documents section of our website. We’re really excited to meet you in only a couple of weeks! (: 

Click to see the Schedule


FS EAST World Alumni Summit

FS Alumni World Summit registration

Jun/2 By

This year not only the participating teams will face challenges and have fun at FS East. We also invite all alumni members, who miss their golden years in the FS movement and want to be a part of an international reunion! (:

The first FS Alumni World Summit is organised on DAY 0 of FS East, July 19th. The program includes workshops, the re-enactment of your original business plan, go-kart championship and showing the juniors how to throw a proper FS opening party. Do we have to say more?

If you also have the time to stay with us for the competition itself, we'd be glad to have you as a guest or even offer you a position in our official team if you feel like contributing to the success of the event.

All details of the world summit including the schedule and the registration process are available on our FS Alumni World Summit page.


Count me in!



Event registration Period 1

Event registration – Period 1 preliminary results

Jan/18 By

In 2017 we announced 40 combustion and 20 electric slots for teams from all over the world.
Overall 119 teams have participated in the event registration process.
You’ve actually doubled our expectations, thank you for your enthusiasm! (:

The top teams of FS East 2016 – CAT-Racing (DE), High Octane Motorsports e.V. (DE) and BME Formula Racing Team (HU)- have been invited to join us again due to their great performance.
Another 116 teams have completed the quiz successfully.

The Eastern part of Europe was represented by 37 teams, registering from Russia (9), Greece (5), Czech Republic (4), Hungary (3), Poland (4), Croatia (3), Romania (2), Ukraine (2) Estonia (1), Serbia (1), Slovakia (1), Slovenia (1) and Turkey (1).

The quiz was submitted by 42 teams from Germany, while 9 registrations came from Italy and 4 from Spain. We have also got participants from Finland (3), France (3), Austria (2), Switzerland (2), the United Kingdom (2), Belgium (1), Netherlands (1) and Norway (1).

An additional 9 teams have registered from out of Europe, from India (5), Israel (2), Canada (1) and the United States (1).

As for the categories, 77 combustion and 42 electric teams have registered to compete at FS East 2017.

Welcome to FS East guys! You’ve been great with solving the quiz. (:


Click to see the preliminary results

FS East 2017 Details

Dec/19 By

Dear Teams, Dear FS Fans,

we’ve collected all the main news regarding FS East 2017 to share them all with you at once.

In the last couple of weeks we received tons of questions about the event and we’re really overjoyed by your enthusiasm. This announcement is supposed to give you official answers to your inquiries. We’re really looking forward to the competition and can’t wait to meet you, the teams in the summer of 2017. (:

Click for further details

FS Alumni World Summit

Dec/8 By

FS East announces to organise the first FS Alumni World Summit  with the aim of creating a tradition. The event takes place at the FS East 2017 competition starting on DAY -1 at 6 PM on 18th July, 2017 and lasts until the end of DAY 0. We are going to publish further details soon!

The event is organized by the Engineers for the Automotive Higher Education Associasion