Facebook page unavailable

May/1 By

Dear FS Teams & Our fans,

we’d like to inform you that due to unclear reasons our Facebook page with all of its content is currently unavailable even for us. ): However we didn’t disappear and Formula Student East 2016 is still on, but we’re going to share the news on other platforms until we get it up and running again. Updates for the possible changes in the terms of the Image Documentary Special Award are coming as soon as we know further details.

Business Logic Case deadline is coming

Apr/19 By

Business Logic Case deadline is coming. If you may haven’t submitted your document please visit our upload page for further details.

Upload section

Volunteer registration

Volunteer registration

Mar/2 By

The volunteer registration is open! Hurray!

If you want to join us, you just have to fill the volunteer registration form. After your successfull submission we forward your profile to the event and technical staff to find you the best place on the event.
You only have to give us some regular contact informations and if you wish so you can also attach your CV or motivation letter 🙂

Come get some! 


Event registration 2nd phase

Event registration 2nd phase opens soon

Feb/11 By

The 1st phase registration ends on 20th February at 23:59:59 CET, meanwhile the event registration 2nd phase opens in the same moment from 21st of February at 0:00:00. The teams who have already registered can not register again. A separate waiting list will be opened for newly registered teams, named WABCD2.

Reglist order

Hello AVL Hungary!

Feb/1 By

As a committed supporter of innovation and the professional development of engineering students participating in the Formula Student movement, AVL Hungary has expressed its intention to contribute to the success of Formula Student East. We are thrilled to be able to work with AVL and its professionals in the future to be able to create an FSAE style competition even on a higher level.

Thank you for your continuous trust and support!

Keep reading this post

The event is organized by the Engineers for the Automotive Higher Education Associasion