Here comes the third | FS EAST 2018

Sep/28 By

The 2017 season just ended, and now everybody is looking forward to the details of the new challenges. We are proud that our previous event could reach the highest competitiveness level on the World Ranking List: 0,99. Since then we have not spent a day out of the movement, especially focusing on the development of FS East 2018. For the upcoming season we have some great news for you. You can find all the major updates after the “More” button. Read it through and spread the word among your team members!

#fseast2018 #driverless #evenbigger

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World Ranking List Update & FS East 2018

Aug/16 By

The World Ranking List update is published and we’re extremely proud to tell you that the competitiveness of Formula Student East 2017 has been ranked 0.99 which is currently the highest rate in the 2017 season, although the FSG results are yet to come. (;

From the beginnings the main goal of FS East and the organisers is to create a highly professional event for the teams and we keep going with this mindset. FS East was featured on the WRL right after the trial season in 2016 with a 0.89 competitiveness, therefore 0.99 is definitely a huge improvement. We’d like to thank all participating teams for being part of the event and we look forward to see you in 2018 as well!

Until then, we can share with you some highlights of our plans for the next season. From 2018, FS East is not going to be a mixed event anymore: combustion and electric cars will compete in separate categories. Autonomous technology is coming to FS East as well as we’d like to give the opportunity for driverless teams to be able to get challenged at an other competition besides Formula Student Germany.

You can check the current status of the ranking lists below:

WRL Combustion

WRL Electric

FS East 2017 - Photos coming soon

Results are online, event photos coming soon

Jul/26 By

The results of the 2017’s event are online, which you can find under event 2017 menu. We would like to thank you for this great event. We hope you enjoyed these 4 days with us. If you wish to give us some after-event feedback, do not hesitate, check our feedback page and send us your thoughts about the event.

Get me to the feedback page!

The event photos are coming soon. We need some more time to check them and get uploaded. We pinky swear it won’t take long. As soon they are ready and online we will let you know 😉

FS EAST 2017 - Static, Dynamic & Tech inspection rules

Static, Dynamic & Tech Inspection Rules 2017

Jul/13 By

UPDATE: The dynamic event rules has been updated. Please check the latest version at the Rules and Important documents page!

The rules of the Static and Dynamic Events along with the Technical Inspection regulations are published as part of the FS East 2017 Official Rules.  The complete rulebook is available on our Rules and Important Documents page as well as the necessary templates for the next document upload deadlines. 

Show me the Rules

Some more details were specified related to the Electrical System Officer delegation in the Documents & Penalties part of the Rules (3.7). Besides the ESO form you have to submit a certificate (preferably a BSc degree) for all appointed ESO which proves that they’re qualified for the position.

A new section was also added to the Registration Rules, explaining the regulations and penalties in case of an event registration after document upload deadlines.

If you have any questions or need to clarify some details, send an e-mail to the contact address designated to the topic or write us to [email protected] and we’ll forward your inquiry to the most competent person right away.

FS East 2017- Deep dive & Real case scenario is online

Deep Dive Topic & Real Case Scenario is online!

Jul/3 By

The Deep Dive Topic and the Real Case Scenario of FS East 2017 are now available under the Rules & Important documents section of our website. Check them and get ready for the presentations 😉

Let’s see the docs at Rules & Important document section

The event is organized by the Engineers for the Automotive Higher Education Associasion