FS East 2016 - Open slots for teams

Open slots for FS East 2017

Feb/15 By

In case you’ve missed the registration for one of the finest FS competitions of the 2017 season, we have 4 open slots for FS East 2017. The starter positions are on the combustion lists for now, however new electric teams are more than welcome to register as well, because we also intend to increase the number of electric slots for the competition.

If you want to register to the event, you only have to create a profile on our Team Registration page, filling out the registration quiz is no longer required from the teams.

For this year’s challenge, check out the current list of participants here. (;

Let’s go to FS East 2017

Event registration for FS East 2017

Jan/16 By

In 2017, 60 teams from all over the world have the chance to participate at FS East with 40 combustion and 20 electric slots. Two days before the event registration we can see that the claims for the slot categories have changed based on the registered team profiles. We are working really hard to be able to expand the electric slots in the near future, without compromising the quality of the event. 

We hope you’re as excited about the event registration as we are. (:  Read our quick guide below for the most important things you need to know about the process.

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FS East 2017 Details

Dec/19 By

Dear Teams, Dear FS Fans,

we’ve collected all the main news regarding FS East 2017 to share them all with you at once.

In the last couple of weeks we received tons of questions about the event and we’re really overjoyed by your enthusiasm. This announcement is supposed to give you official answers to your inquiries. We’re really looking forward to the competition and can’t wait to meet you, the teams in the summer of 2017. (:

Click for further details

FS Alumni World Summit

Dec/8 By

FS East announces to organise the first FS Alumni World Summit  with the aim of creating a tradition. The event takes place at the FS East 2017 competition starting on DAY -1 at 6 PM on 18th July, 2017 and lasts until the end of DAY 0. We are going to publish further details soon!

Photos | Day #3

Aug/1 By

The photos of day #3 are online, feel free to check them after the more button 😉

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The event is organized by the Engineers for the Automotive Higher Education Associasion