Registration 2023


last updated: 14th July, 17:00

Combustion teams
Combustion vehicles | 24/24 Teams
Country Team name Starter number
HU Arrabona Racing Team 179
DE High Speed Karlsruhe 199
DE Rennteam Uni Stuttgart e.V. 102
GR Centaurus Racing Team 177
CZ Formula TU Ostrava 189
IT UniBo Motorsport 188
HU BME Motorsport 182
IN Pravega Racing 154
IT Race UP Combustion 185
ES Ü Motorsport 196
DE Seagulls Luebeck 150
GR Poseidon Racing Team 105
IN Formula Manipal 197
US Zips Racing 130
PL Warsaw University of Technology Racing Team 138
ES FSUPV Team TU Valencia 595
FR Estaca Formula Team 104
FI Tampere Formula Student 178
RO UPT Racing Team 136
CZ Formula student Technical university of Liberec racing 169
HU Obuda University Racing Team 121
PL AGH Racing EV 166
HU Cívis Racing Team 128
HU KEFO Motorsport 129
Electric teams
Electric vehicles | 36/36 Teams
Country Team name Starter number
ES ARUS Andalucía Racing Team 251
HU BME Formula Racing Team 414
BE Formula Electric Belgium 222
EE FS Team Tallinn 424
DE GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart 426
CZ TU Brno Racing 274
AT TU Graz Racing Team 211
IN Team Kratos Racing Electric 215
DE e-gnition Hamburg e.V. 478
SE Lund Formula Student 235
IN Orion Racing India Electric 227
AT TU Wien Racing 241
NO Revolve NTNU 463
IT Dynamis PRC 490
DE KA-RaceIng 423
DE RUB Motorsport e.V. 248
DE Rennstall Esslingen 294
CH Akademischer Motorsportverein Zürich 433
IT Race UP Electric 200
NL Formula Student Team Delft 285
DE E-Team Duisburg-Essen 240
GR Prom Racing 225
DE Dynamics – OTH Regensburg e.V. 462
SK STUBA Green Team 291
SI Superior Engineering Formula Student Team 268
HR FSB Racing Team 284
US Global Formula Racing 280
CA Formule ETS 288
DE TU Darmstadt Racing Team e.V. 242
DE Bodensee Racing Team 243
DE Mainfranken Racing e.V. 297
DE munichmotorsport 213
TR TU Istanbul Racing 234
DE High-Octane Motorsports e.V. 249
Driverless teams
Driverless vehicles | 24/24 Teams
Country Team name Starter number
HU BME Formula Racing Team 414
IT Dynamis PRC 490
EE FS Team Tallinn 424
DE KA-RaceIng 423
DE TUfast e.V. – driverless 331
CH EPFL Racing Team 327
DE Ecurie Aix 399
DE e-gnition Hamburg e.V. 478
NL University Racing EIndhoven 340
IT Squadra Corse Driverless PoliTO 346
SE Chalmers Formula Student 303
DE Elbflorace Formula Student Team TU Dresden e.V. 359
GR Aristotle University Racing Team Electric & Driverless 311
DE GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart 426
DE Starkstrom Augsburg Driverless 310
PL PWR Racing Team 313
DE CURE Mannheim e.V. 369
IT MoRe Modena Racing Driverless 390
DE Einstein Motorsport – DV 344
CH Akademischer Motorsportverein Zürich 433
DE Dynamics – OTH Regensburg e.V. 462
ES FSUPV Team TU Valencia 595
NO Revolve NTNU 463
NO Revolve NTNU 463
IL Formula Technion 309
Waiting lists
Combustion vehicles waiting
Country Team name Starter number
UA Formula Student ONPU 155
TR KOU Formula 141
Electric vehicles waiting
Country Team name Starter number
DE Kaiserslautern Racing Team
ES UPC ecoRacing
DE DHBW Engineering Stuttgart e.V.
DE Bremergy e.V.
ES ISC FS Racing Team
GR UoP Racing Team
GB LUMotorsport
DE UMD Racing e.V.
IN AXLR8R Formula Racing
AT Os.Car Racing Team
DE Strohm und Söhne e.V.
GB Univeristy of Strathclyde Motorsport
DE WHZ Racing Team
FI Metropolia Motorsport
IT UniBo Motorsport Electric
PT Formula Student FEUP
DE UPBracing Team
DE Rennschmiede Pforzheim
DE Deefholt Dynamics e.V.
PL PolSl Racing
IT E-Agle Trento Racing Team
DE Running Snail Racing Team
DE Infinity Racing
DE Team wob-racing.
DE Racetech Racing Team TU Bergakademie Freiberg e.V.
GR Aristotle University Racing Team Electric & Driverless
IN Raftar Formula Racing Electric
PT ISEL Formula Student
DE Lions Racing Team e.V.
ES Tecnun eRacing
DE Formula Student Team Darmstadt
GB Southampton University Formula Student Team
DE Delta Racing
RS Road Arrow
RU Formula MADI
RU Bauman Racing Team Electric
DE TUfast e.V. – driverless
FR ISAT Formula Team
DE Schanzer Racing Electric e.V.
ES Formula Student Vitoria
DE HorsePower Hannover
BE UGent Racing
SI UNI Maribor Grand Prix Engineering
SE LiU Formula Student
DE Ignition Racing Team electric
DE Raceyard E
DE StarkStrom Augsburg Electric
DE La eRacing e.V.
DE BRS Motorsport
IT Sapienza Fast Charge
IL Ben-Gurion Racing
DE Herkules Racing Team
ES e-Tech Racing Formula Student Team
ES BCNeMotorsport
TR YTU Racing E
IT Squadra Corse PoliTO
CZ eForce FEE Prague Formula
ES Formula Student Bizkaia
DE Scuderia Mensa HS RheinMain Racing e.V.
ES EUSS Motorsport
CZ UWB eRacing Team Pilsen
RO ART TU Cluj-Napoca
DE E-Traxx Düsseldorf
TR KOU Formula E
DE Technikum Mittweida Motorsport
DE Baltic Racing
PL PK MechPower
AT Campus Tirol Motorsport
DE E-Motion Rennteam Aalen e.V.
HR FESB Racing
GB UGRacing
NO Align Racing UiA
DE Fast Forest
IT UniTS Racing Team
DE Blue Flash Mobility Concepts
CH Bern Racing Team
NL HAN Formula Student
DE HofSpannung Motorsport e.V.
DE eMotorsports Cologne
IS Team Spark
HU Electric Racing Miskolc
IN Team Defianz Racing Electric
FR Ecurie Piston Sport Auto
CH Valais Wallis Racing Team
DE Team Starcraft
IT UniUD E-Racing Team
ES FSULL-Dynamics
CH Zurich UAS Racing
BE VUB Racing
TW NTHU Racing
IN IIT Roorkee Motorsports
BD Team Crack Platoon
DE eMotion Racing Team HRW
IN Team RevClusters
IN IIT Roorkee Motorsports
BD Team Crack Platoon
DE eMotion Racing Team HRW
IN Team RevClusters
IN Team RevClusters
IN Team RevClusters
DE eMotion Racing Team HRW
IN Team RevClusters
IN IIT Roorkee Motorsports
BD Team Crack Platoon
DE eMotion Racing Team HRW
IN Team RevClusters
Driverless vehicles waiting
Country Team name Starter number
IN Team Defianz Racing Electric
AU Monash Motorsport
DE TU Darmstadt Racing Team e.V.
DE Lions Racing Team e.V.
IT UniNa Corse – Squadra Federico II
DE GET racing Dortmund e.V.
CZ eForce Driverless
DE Fast Forest
DE Kaiserslautern Racing Team
RU Bauman Racing Team Electric
HR FSB Racing Team Driverless
DE Global Formula Racing (DE)
ES UPC ecoRacing
IT Sapienza Corse
DE Global Formula Racing (DE)
ES UPC ecoRacing
ES BCNeMotorsport
IT Sapienza Corse
ES BCNeMotorsport
IT Sapienza Corse
IT Sapienza Corse
ES BCNeMotorsport
IT Sapienza Corse
DE Global Formula Racing (DE)
ES UPC ecoRacing
ES BCNeMotorsport
IT Sapienza Corse
Out of competition
Teams out of competition
Country Team name Starter number
GR Aristotle Racing Team
CZ CTU CarTech
ES MAD Formula Team
DK AAU Racing
ES Dynamics UPC Manresa
DE HSNR Racing
ES UPMRacing
AT Joanneum Racing Graz
PL PWR Racing Team
IN Team Ojas Racing
PL PUT Motorsport
TR METU Formula Racing
SE KTH Formula Student
IL Ben-Gurion Racing
CH Zurich UAS Racing
CN HIT Racing Team
DE GET racing Dortmund e.V.
IT E-Team Squadra Corse
TR Cukurova Racing
DE Aixtreme Racing
CZ CULS Prague formula racing
RO T.U. Iasi Racing Team
IT UniPR Racing Team
IT MoRe Modena Racing Combustion
TR YTU Racing
FI Formula Student Oulu
ES UVigo Motorsport
ES UJI Motorsport FS Team
PL PRz Racing Team
IT Poliba Corse
ES UCO Autosport
ID Bimasakti Racing Team
IT Scuderia Tor Vergata
ID UI Racing Team
RU Bauman Racing Team
PL AGH Racing Combustion
ES Formula Gades
DE CAT-Racing
GB Coventry University Phoenix Racing
PL Cerber Motorsport
RO BlueStreamline
LV Formula Student Riga TU
DE Campus Motorsport Hannover
RU UGATU Racing Team
HR Riteh Racing Team
ES UFV Racing Team
RO UPB Drive
MD Formula Student Team UTM
US MRacing – University of Michigan Ann Arbor
TW NTHU Racing
SE Lund Formula Student DV
DE Speeding Scientists Siegen e.V.
IL Formula Technion
DE Elefant Racing e.V.
AT TU Wien Racing DV
IT Firenze Race Team
DE High-Octane Motorsports e.V. DV
ES BCNeMotorsport
GB Oxford Brookes Racing
GR Democritus Racing Team
DE Formula Student Team Weingarten

Important Dates

Main dates:  From:  To: 
Team Registration  13th of January 08:00 CET  20th of January 23:59 CET 
Event Registration Quiz  27th of January 11:00 CET  27th of January 16:59 CET 
 Quiz Protest Period  27th of January 17:00 CET  27th of January 23:59 CET 
Periods  From:  To: 
Event Registration Period 1  27th of January 11:00 CET  29th of January 23:59 CET 
Event Registration Period 2  30th of January 00:00 CET  31st of January 23:59 CET 
Event Registration Period 3  1st of February 00:00 CET  30th of May 19:59 CET 


 The Event Registration Order will be determined by the results of the Event Registration Quiz. 

Each category (CV, EV and DV) will have separate Event Registration Quiz Forms. The Event Registration Quiz Forms will be available at 

After you finish, you must click the “Submit” button at the end of the Event Registration Quiz Form.  

The system will log the timestamp, which will be used to create the registration order. Login time to the Quiz will not be considered. Teams who start the Quiz late will not be compensated with additional time. 

Every wrong answer will add 120 seconds to the registration timestamp.  

Each team will have only one opportunity. 



During the 1st Period teams will compete to get on their own (dedicated) lists. For example an electric team from the Region C will be able to get on the List C - ev. 
If one region’s list gets full, the additional joint lists (List ABCD - cv, List ABCD - ev,  List ABCD - dv) will be filled.
If one of the List ABCD - cv, List ABCD - ev or List ABCD - dv gets full, further teams will get on the waiting lists (Waiting list - cv, Waiting list - ev, Waiting list - dv ).  



From the start of the 2nd period, empty slots of a region will be filled with teams from the waiting list. 



From the start of the 3rd period, the remaining free places of a vehicle category (CV, EV, DV) may be filled on the discretion of the organizers, with Waiting List applicants of the other category. (For example: if there are any free CV places, they may be filled with EV or DV teams, and vice versa.) 

Besides this, in the 3rd period the first 6 CV teams of the Waiting list - cv, the first 8 EV teams of the Waiting list - ev, and the first 6 DV teams of the Waiting list - dv will be asked to pay a part of the registration fee. 

During the season the organizer will handle the documents of the starter and the waiting list teams together. Corrections, e-mailing and documents upload deadline system will be active for all of the teams that are accepted or are in the top teams of the waiting list. 




Teams will have to pay the registration fee, which does not include the lodging fee if a team applies for camping. There is no limit to team size. 

Teams which would like to apply for multiple categories (EV-DV, CV-DV) must pay both of those categories’ complete registration fee. 

Registration fee: 

CV: 2100 EUR + VAT (+27%)
EV: 2250 EUR + VAT (+27%)
DV: 2500 EUR + VAT (+27%)



The first part of the registration fee for the (top 6 combustion, top 8 electric, and top 6 driverless) teams on the waiting list will be 

CV: 600 EUR + VAT (+27%)
EV: 700 EUR + VAT (+27%)
DV: 900 EUR + VAT (+27%)

which also has to be paid within 2 workdays, or you will be moved to the end of the waiting list. 


When they get on the starting list, they will have to pay the rest of the registration fee.  

CV: further 1500 EUR + VAT (27%)
EV: further 1550 EUR + VAT (27%)
DV: further 1600 EUR + VAT (27%)

In case your team does not have a VAT number or is located in Hungary, please transfer the full amount of registration fee including 27% VAT. 


VAT-free payment is only acceptable from the following team:

Teams with a valid EU VAT number (make sure you have filled it correctly in your team profile)

Those teams which are located outside the European Union thus do not have an EU VAT number but do have VAT number and its validity can be proven by sending us a certification electronically, then we can issue the invoice with a net amount of registration fee. Contact your finance department about a certification and send it to us via email with your request for a proforma invoice (if you need a proforma). If your country has a public website which contains authenticated data of organizations/companies and it includes VAT numbers as well, a website link can be sufficient as a certification.


You are able to request a proforma invoice before payment at [email protected]. 

Electronic invoices are issued upon successfully completed payments. 


After the quiz results are fixed, every team on the starter list has 2 workdays to pay the registration fee via bank transfer. A payment receipt document provided by the account holder’s bank should be submitted to [email protected] as a confirmation. Please mind the deadline, that you can be moved to the end of the waiting list due to late payment.  


The Quiz will take place at 11:00 (CET) on the 27th January 2023 on Login information for the Quiz will be automatically set by the data for the teams who registered on Teams can login with the username, password given there. During the Quiz, one team can only be logged in with one account. If the team tries a login from multiple devices at the same time, it will be logged by the system and the team can be disqualified. The submission time of the Quiz will be the system time at the submission regardless of whether or not the team started the Quiz on time. (We cannot give additional time if the team is late from the Quiz.) 


Quiz Completion for Teams Who Participates with One Car in Two Categories

Team shall only be registered once on, and at registration they shall set that they participate with only one car in two categories. These teams shall complete the Quiz in both categories. Both Quiz starts at the same time. Teams will get two login slots on based on their registration on In both categories the team can be logged in by their login data on, the proper category for the Quiz can be selected by the "Driverless" flag at login. Teams who participate with one car in two categories can be logged in from two devices at the same time. One account for DV and one account for EV/CV. If the team is logged in with more than two accounts, or tries to log in with more than one account per category, it will be logged by the system and the team can be disqualified. 

Team Registration

Team Registration opens on Friday, 21st of January 22:00 CET.

The first step of the process is registering your team with a valid team profile on the link that appears below.

- if there’s no profile associated with your team, just go ahead an create it
- if you have a team profile from last year, make sure to log in and update your team data, that’s how you validate it
- if you have a team profile from last year, but unable to access it, you can register a new one and use this exclusively from now on

Only team captains are able to register a team, so please make sure you choose "Captain" in the "Role in your team" field.
You have to fill in all necessary fields for a successful registration.
In case your team wants to participate in more than one category, you have to create separate profiles for each.

You have to finish Team Registration until Friday, 28th January 10:00 CET to be able to participate in the Event Registration.

Registration Results

The list of the registered teams will be published here.

According to the region lists, the following teams could reserve a place on the starter and waiting lists of the three categories.


During the registration, quiz there was a fault in our quiz system and team TUfast Driverless got a conventional EV quiz question set. The issue was reported immediately by the team.

To compensate the team because of our fault, we are going to extend the DV list with 2 slots. We are intended to stay with our planned slot number, therefore in case of any withdrawal, we are going to invite teams from the waiting list if the number of DV teams drops below 10.

Latest update - 8th of February 16:45 CET

The results were published after investigating all protests regarding the registration quiz. Based on rightful claims we have decided to remove the "Skid Pad" question from the quiz and delete the penalty points for the wrong answers. Despite this action none of the starter lists were changed significantly compared to the original quiz results, except for starter teams switching positions.

Registration Results Feb 8th

Registered teams | 9th May

Quiz Answer KeyCombustion Answer Key 1.0

Electric Answer Key 1.0

Driverless Answer Key 1.1

Latest update - 8th of February 16:45 CET

According to the region lists, the following teams could reserve a place on the starter and waiting lists of the three categories.

The results were published after investigating all protests regarding the registration quiz. Based on rightful claims we have decided to remove the "Skid Pad" question from the quiz and delete the penalty points for the wrong answers. Despite this action none of the starter lists were changed significantly compared to the original quiz results, except for starter teams switching positions.

Registration Results Feb 8th

Registered teams | 9th May

Event Registration

Event registration starts on Friday, 28th of January 11:00 CET.

All teams have to complete a quiz during event registration, the results will determine the registration order. The quiz links for each category will appear at 11:00 CET for logged in users only.


For more information about the registration process, check the Registration Rules & Registration Quick Guide:

Rules & Important Documents
Event Registration Quick Guide


Try our dummy quiz page where you can test if your browser is ready for the quiz. If it works for you, you'll be able to pass the live quiz without any problems. (;Dummy Quiz


Click for Team Registration


Click for the Quiz

The event is organized by the Engineers for the Automotive Higher Education Associasion