Logistics 2024

How you should arrive
This year Team Registration will be held at the FS East Camp on DAY#0 due to the tight time schedule. You'll be able to access the pits from DAY#1 only, therefore moving in needs to be as organised as possible, so we could start the actual events on time.
We created this page to clear all the logistics details 😉 Below you can read what you should do after your arrival even if your are an official or a team member. Please follow the steps below. See you at the event!
Schedule: 28th July - Sunday| 08:00 - 18:00
Location: Campsite Reception
The FS East Camp opens officially on Sunday, July 28th at 8:00 AM.
Upon arrival you’ll be able to check-in at the Campsite Reception.
All team members (and team guests) have to sign the campsite registration form in exchange for campsite wristbands,
that guarantee entrance to the FS East Camp for the rest of the event.
Campsite wristbands will be handed out based on the accommodation booking and the Team Member Designation document.
Wristbands are issued to the team captain by the Campsite Reception based on the signed lists. Simultaneously with the wristband collection, teams are required to pay a camping deposit of €200 at the Campsite Reception.
When the registration procedure is over, the team is ready to move in to the campsite with the guidance of our logistics team.
Team members who have not arrived by the move-in time can register upon arrival at the Campsite Reception individually.
Please note that the pits at the Event Site will only be open from 18:00 on 28 July!
Until then all vehicles should be parked at the Campsite, due to the limited parking areas outside of the Event Site.
We advise teams to access the event site for Team Registration with passenger cars only.
Schedule: 28th July - Sunday| 12:00 - 18:00
Location: Ticket Center @ZalaZone Main Building
To speed up and help the registration process we created a simple poll for you. After visiting the link below you can select a time period when you will arrive on DAY#0, July 28th . If you would arrive in a busy time we recommend you to stay at the campsite, have a meal, get some refreshments, check the local shopping and eating possibilities and then come back to your appointment for registration. 😉 Please make sure you only fill one poll with one team. If you're late for your appointment, wait patiently at the Ticket Center until the scheduled teams are finished.
Three registration stations will be operated: 1 CV and DV, 1 EV, 1 EV+DV.
Only the Team Captain is allowed to register their team and it’s not neccesary for the whole team to be present.
During the first step of the registration procedure Team Captains submit a printed version of the Standard Terms document signed by all team members.
We only accept fully completed and signed documents. Please ensure that every team member participating in the event is listed.
By signing the Standard Terms the teams state that they accept the rules of the event, that only team members will work on the car,also understanding and following the safety guidelines of the event. Team Captains get the starter package here, which includes team member badges, dynamic passes, car passes (which you have to fill out with all necessary information and stick on your car) and the event handbook.
After that Drivers, ESOs and ASRs can proceed to register and obtain wristbands for fulfilling these roles.
Teams participating in Scrutineering on 28th of July at the Campsite must register at least one ESO during Team Registration to receive a wristband.
When the registration is complete, our colleagues record your arrival, and give you any possible info about the next steps - parking, moving in procedure etc.
The Ticket Center will be open the next day from 7:00 AM to handle late team registrations.
Schedule: 28th July - Sunday| 18:00 - 22:00
Location: ZalaZone Entrance
Teams are able to move into the pits from 18:00 PM on 28th of July, which is coordinated by our logistics team based on the scrutineering order, except for teams with priority for static events. Until the moving in procedure starts, please park your vehicles at the access road of the Campsite to prevent blocking the acces road at ZalaZone. Officials will call all teams through Discord in order to start queuing at the entrance of ZalaZone and wait here until you get permission to enter. If you’re not able to access the event site at once, the officials will show you the place to park your vehicle(s) and wait. With a valid pass and car pass, you can enter ZalaZone and will be guided you to your pit for unpacking.
To ease scrutineering, two scrutineering steps will be available with a limited amount of capacity at the FS East Camp on DAY#0:
■ HV Accumulator Scrutineering
■ Safety Equipment Check
Please prepare accordingly and consider this when packing your equipment!
Moving into the pits at Hungaroring will be available from 7:00 AM on August 8th. The moving in order and the time window you can use is based on the judging appointments included in the Static Schedule.
Drive all your vehicles into the Parking Area (check on the event site map on the right).
Parking area opens at 6:00 AM on August 8th.
Wait for the call of the officials. They will inform you, how can you get into the event site and your pit.
Be available!
The event site is an official racetrack, not a playground nor a market. We kindly ask you to enter only with those vehicles, which contain your equipment needed for the event.
After the moving in process, we won't let any vehicles enter the racetrack. You need to park your vehicles at the Parking Area, and if you need anything to carry into your pit, you need to do it by foot.
You will have 2 hours to unload your stuff.
After unloading, you can park your vehicles in the Parking Area. The Parking Area is guarded 0-24 during the event, so you can leave your vehicles there.
After the 'moving in process' we won't let any vehicles enter the racetrack. You need to park your vehicles in the Parking Area, and if you need anything to carry into your pit, you need to do it on foot. (We recommned you to take a handcart, dolly or anything like this with.)
What if you miss your call or your timewindow?
You need to wait... for the call of the officials. Information helps us a lot! If you see that you are late, your vehicles will arrive separately, or in any case you think it could be helpful, please inform our officials.
We are here to help you!
Looking for help? He is the one!
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Judit KALMÁR Logistics & Accommodation Responsible Campsite and box moving in & out issues +36 20 489 9808 |

Ticket Center Responsible
As an official you may know whom to search for, but if you are new in the team or not sure where to start, then you are at the right place! Please follow the steps below to find your place.
■ You should arrive to the Ticket Center from 10:00 AM // Location: ZalaZONE Main building
■ Look for the Volunteer Registration sign at the registration area and get in line.
■ During registration you will have to sign some regular documents - nothing special, just some forms.
■ You can find out here who will be your leader at the event - if you might not know it already.
■ You will also get your event pass, car pass, catering vouchers, t-shirts and wristband for the FS East Camp.
■ After going through registration, look for your team leader and ask about your job for the day.
■ If you need your luggages to be stored until you're finished, our officials will help you putting them aside in a guarded place.
■ If you start working only on the next day, you can proceed to moving in to the campsite or check-in at the hostel.
■ For officials and volunteers, we organise a mandatory fire and work safety briefing that you must attend. The date and place will be announced later.
■ At first visit the Ticket Center and get your pass.
■ After it go to the event control to finish your registration.
■ Here you will have to sign some regular documents - nothing special, just some forms.
■ In exchange you will get your event pass, car pass, catering vouchers, t-shirts and wristband for the FS East Camp.
■ You can also find out here who will be your leader at the event - if you might not know it already.
■ Find your team leader and ask for further guidance regarding your position and tasks at the event.
■ You must attend a mandatory fire and work safety briefing. The date and place will be announced later.